+20 106 14 23 444 Saqqara Rd, Behind Cataract Hotel, Haram, Giza

Community Service

At El Alsson School, we believe in the power of giving back to the community. We are committed to instilling a sense of social responsibility in our students and nurturing their empathy and compassion towards others.

Our community service projects provide students with opportunities to make a positive impact on society and develop a deep understanding of social issues. Through partnerships with local organizations, our students engage in a variety of initiatives such as volunteering at orphanages, organizing donation drives, participating in environmental conservation projects, and supporting underprivileged communities.

We encourage our students to take an active role in identifying community needs and designing projects that address those needs. These experiences not only foster a sense of civic engagement but also cultivate important values such as empathy, leadership, and teamwork.

Through community service projects, our students learn the importance of contributing to the greater good and develop a lifelong commitment to making a positive difference in the world.