We believe in a broad, balanced and progressive education for our pupils. We seek to develop the knowledge, skills and values of our pupils. We wish our students to leave the School with strong moral qualities and high level skills that make them active, caring and deep thinkers, ready to assume their responsibilities as the leaders of tomorrow.
AIS’s highly qualified academic staff encourage a scholarly approach in all our pupils and promote the habits and skills of independent as well as collaborative learners which will equip them not only for success at school but also at university and in their future careers. AIS is committed to academically challenging all pupils, across all age and ability ranges. The goal of the school is to challenge the pupils to achieve outstanding academic results which will enable their admission to the most highly regarded universities both in the UK and internationally. AIS encourages our pupils to take pride in themselves, their school and their academic successes, whilst maintaining a sense of humility, resilience, open mindless, kindness and integrity.
El Alsson British school provides a broad and balanced curriculum for students from the Foundation stage to Secondary school. The curriculum is inclusive and meets students’ diverse needs. The curriculum is planned to make learning enjoyable and relevant not only for their life now but to equip them with the skills needed to contribute to life after school.
The school follows the Cambridge International Primary programme for the core subjects of English, Science, Mathematics and the National Curriculum of UK for the non-core subjects which include Global perspectives, Modern Language (French / German), Music, Physical Education, ICT and Art. Planning for the core subjects follows the scope and sequence as set out in the Cambridge curriculum framework. The units in the framework are not restrictive as such but serve as a guide to teachers.
The Foundation Stage follows the statutory revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS framework which has provided the needs of our younger learners to build their personal, social and emotional skills alongside their skills of playing and exploring the active learning and critical thinking.
Programs of Physical Education, music, art and computing ensure that students are given the opportunity to develop all rounded skills and an awareness of their multiple intelligence. Students sit for Cambridge Checkpoint examinations at the end of year 6 and these offer an internationally benchmarked indication of progress in English, Mathematics and Science
In the Middle school, students go on with their journey towards higher learning and greater independence, gearing to take their Checkpoint and Pre IG examinations in years 8 and 9 respectively
Year 10 sees our students progress to the high school phase where they partake their IGSCE examinations. Those who wish to continue, go on to sit for A AND AS levels, El Alsson is registered with the British Council and the students are able to sit their senior examinations through Cambridge and the opportunities which El Alsson offers, enable our diligent students to earn qualifications that can afford them entry into top international tertiary learning institutions.
School Stages:
The curriculum is organized in phases according to the Cambridge International Curriculum (CIE)
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): FS1 and FS2
Key Stage 1(KS1): Years 1and 2
Key Stage 2 (KS12): Years 3 to 6
Key Stage 3 (KS3): Years 7 to 9
Key Stage 4 (KS4): Years 10 to 12
The curriculum has a very clear rationale aligned to the school and Cambridge vision. It is relevant, comprehensive and promotes innovation and challenge. It is highly effective in developing a balance of knowledge, skills and understanding while fulfilling all the requirements of the school authorized / licensed curriculum and the national statutory requirements.